Approach | Description |
Pivoted Query Synthesis (PQS) | PQS is the first technique that we designed and implemented. It randomly selects a row, called a pivot row, for which a query is generated that is guaranteed to fetch the row. If the row is not contained in the result set, a bug has been detected. It is fully described here. PQS is the most powerful technique, but also requires more implementation effort than the other two techniques. It is currently unmaintained. |
Non-optimizing Reference Engine Construction (NoREC) | NoREC aims to find optimization bugs. It is described here. It translates a query that is potentially optimized by the DBMS to one for which hardly any optimizations are applicable, and compares the two result sets. A mismatch between the result sets indicates a bug in the DBMS. |
Ternary Logic Partitioning (TLP) | TLP partitions a query into three partitioning queries, whose results are composed and compare to the original query's result set. A mismatch in the result sets indicates a bug in the DBMS. In contrast to NoREC and PQS, it can detect bugs in advanced features such as aggregate functions. |
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java -jar sqlancer-1.1.0.jar --host= --port=13306 --username=test1234 --password=test1234 --num-threads=4 --num-tries=5 --max-expression-depth=6 --max-num-inserts=100 mysql --oracle TLP_WHERE ....(此处省略构造表和问题sql之前的query内容) -- SELECT t1.c1 AS ref0 FROM t1; -- cardinality: 73 -- SELECT t1.c1 AS ref0 FROM t1 WHERE (t1.c1) IN (CAST( EXISTS (SELECT 1 wHERE FALSE) AS SIGNED), -1358113199);SELECT t1.c1 AS ref0 FROM t1 WHERE (! ((t1.c1) IN (CAST( EXISTS (SELECT 1 wHERE FALSE) AS SIGNED), -1358113199)));SELECT ALL t1.c1 AS ref0 FROM t1 WHERE ((t1.c1) IN (CAST( EXISTS (SELECT 1 wHERE FALSE) AS SIGNED), -1358113199)) IS NULL; -- cardinality: 72 |
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